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Career exploration


FRIDAY, May 27th

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm 

Grab lunch and find the section of the conference meeting room designated for each of the following employers.

Abt Associates - Careers in Causal Investigation of the Effectiveness of Public Policies:

A Lunch Chat with Steve Bell of Abt Associates

Public policy decisions in the U.S. and around the globe are increasingly guided by evidence of “what works,” as discovered by causal inference scientists at research organizations such as Abt Associates, MDRC, and Mathematica Policy Research. Abt — an employee-owned private company staffed by hundreds of Ph.D.-level and master’s degree social scientists engaged in applied quantitative

analysis—has contracts with government agencies and foundations to investigate the effectiveness of employment and income support programs assisting disadvantaged populations worldwide and advancing social good through environmental and health policy reform. Critical skill needs of Abt scientists include state-of- the-art methods for obtaining consistent estimates of causal influences of policies, ability to design optimal samples for population inference, and statistical modeling and simulation tools to improve attributional methods. Stephen Bell, Abt Fellow and Principal Scientist, will meet with interested ACIC attendees to talk about Abt’s research and the career opportunities the organization offers to statisticians and others committed to causal inference research at the cutting edge of science. All are welcome to join in, graduate students and established academic and think tank scholars alike. 

NYU:  Teaching causal inference at NYU

A Lunch Chat with Jennifer Hill of NYU

I need someone to teach my causal inference course this coming Fall while I am on sabbatical.  Come talk to me if you are interested or if you know of someone else who might be!

University of Utah: Tenure track faculty positions

A Lunch Chat with Tom Greene, Professor at Population Health Sciences

The Division of Biostatistics in the newly formed Department of Population Health Science at the University of Utah is seeking to hire two tenure track faculty members with a background in modern causal inference and a general interest in comparative effectiveness research. Duties include curriculum development and teaching approximately one graduate level course in biostatistics per semester, supervision of graduate students, conduct of independent, externally-funded methodological research, and leadership in applications of biostatistics in collaborations with biomedical researchers. Please come by and talk with me if you think you might be interested – we are looking for people who can start between the fall of 2016 and fall 2017.

Food and Drug Administration:

George Rochester will be available to discuss employment opportunities at the FDA.

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